Unison have discussed the potential issues and problems associated with giving out the private mobile phone numbers to victims or crime and other vulnerable people with Professional Standards. They have asked us to reiterate the following to our members :-…
Pay Deal (Boeing Update) 14/2/19
Boeing (who transferred on Police Staff T&Cs) Boeing Unison members will be balloted this week whether to accept or reject the pay deal.
Police Staff Pay – Accepted
PSC TU 01/19 7 January 2019 UNION MEMBERS VOTE TO ACCEPT 2018 PAY OFFER Members of UNISON, UNITE and GMB have voted overwhelmingly to accept the Employers’ 2018 pay offer for police staff in England and Wales. Union members in…
Meeting / Chat with Line Management
What to do when a chat with your Line Manager turns into a meeting (update 02/11/18) As a union we fully encourage Line Managers to chat with their staff as they are usually best placed to notice changes in their staff’s…
Branch Update
Updates from ‘The Branch’ Payment for additional hours (update 01/11/18) Police staff have their contractual terms and conditions negotiated nationally by the Police Staff Council. These terms and conditions are set out in the PSC Handbook of Pay and Conditions.…
Post Incident Update
Post Incident Procedures: Unison Advice for Police Staff In situations when during or following contact with the police someone dies or suffers serious injury, then in all likelihood the ‘Post Incident Procedure’ (PIP) will be implemented. The procedure is twofold,…
Pay (Police Staff)
Police Staff Pay Update When any offer is made only Members of the Trade Union (Staffordshire Police Unison) are able to vote. Details of this will be placed in the members only section of our website. If you are a…
Please see latest poster for your information (here)
The Staffordshire Police UNISON Award
Every year, at the Staffordshire Police Force Awards, Staffordshire Police Unison present an award to a nominated recipient. The criteria for the award is a Police Staff UNISON Member whose actions have benefited the community or their work colleagues? They…