Pay (Police Staff)

Police Staff Pay Update 

When any offer is made only Members of the Trade Union (Staffordshire Police Unison) are able to vote.  Details of this will be placed in the members only section of our website.  If you are a member please email for the login details.

6th November 2018


 At pay talks which took place at the Police Staff Council (PSC) on Monday 29 October, the Police Employers made a final pay offer for 2018 for police staff in England and Wales to the Police Staff Trade Union Side (UNISON, UNITE and GMB).

This follows an earlier offer in the negotiations which the Unions had gone back to the Employers on 29 October to seek to improve. The final offer is:

• An increase of 2.0% on all pay points on the PSC pay spine backdated to 1 September 2018

• An increase of 2.0% to Standby Allowance from £29.46 to £30.05 backdated to 1 September 2018

 • The removal of pay point 6 (£16,479) as of 1 September 2018

 • To agree to discussions on police staff annual leave entitlement in the PSC Pay and Reward Working Party on a without prejudice basis

 • To agree to discussions on police staff apprenticeships in the PSC Pay and Reward Working Party on a without prejudice basis;

 • We note the legal proceedings initiated by the Police Federation in respect of the 2018 Police Remuneration Review Body recommendations. In the interest of reaching a prompt agreement we agree to the timely re-opening of the 2018 PSC pay negotiations should there be any change in the 2018 pay award for police officers. 


 Before we can consult members, each union will be taking soundings from our respective Police Committees to inform what recommendation, if any, we decide to provide to members in order to assist with the voting process. 

We intend to have completed discussion with our Committees by the end of this month, in time to consult members during December.


October 2018 – Negotiations between the Employers’ Side and the Trade Union Side on police staff pay are continuing in the Pay and Reward Working Party. Both Sides are working towards finding a settlement .

August 2018 – The Trade Union Side has submitted its pay and conditions claim for 2018 which is as follows:

  1. a five per cent increase , or £1,000, whichever is the greater on all PSC pay points from 1 September 2018;
  2. a five per cent increase in standby allowance from 1 September 2018;
  3. a five per cent increase on the away from home overnight allowance from 1 September 2018;
  4. consolidation of the one per cent non-consolidated element, or £200, whichever is the greater, of the 2017 PSC pay award;
  5. the deletion of PSC pay points six, seven and eight by no later than 1 April 2019;
  6. an increase in the minimum annual leave entitlement in the Police Staff Council Handbook from 23 to 24 days on appointment and from 28 to 29 days after five years service;
  7. all police staff posts offered as apprenticeships to be the subject of job evaluation, paid within a pay grade appropriate to the job evaluation outcome, offered on full PSC conditions of employment as per the 2017 PSC Handbook.

The Employers’ Side is undertaking a consultation on this claim via the APCC, NPCC and Home Office and will respond to the Trade Union Side in September.