
This web site is designed to help you to locate information and services available to you as a member, or potential member, of the Staffordshire Police Branch of Unison.

Whether you are a member of Police Staff or staff for other employers such as Kier or our Catering staff in block 7.  As long as you work within Staffordshire Police and we have secured a recognition agreement,  this union is for you!

UNISON is the biggest union in the Police Service, with over 50,000 police staff members in forces in England, Scotland and Wales.

Every year UNISON’s trained representatives help thousands of employees who work within police premises.

UNISON give you expert protection and advice in the following areas:-

  • Post Incident Procedures
  • Disciplinary Action
  • Grievances
  • IPCC investigations
  • Professional Standards
  • Capability Issues
  • Representation at meetings with management

We also offer unparalleled collective representation on terms and conditions and pay, and a whole range of great member benefits.

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Facebook Feed

Cover for Staffordshire Police Unison
Staffordshire Police Unison

Staffordshire Police Unison

Welcome to the Staffordshire Police UNISON FB page, where we will keep you updated on matters affecting our members.

Today, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea and leaders of Labour affiliated trade unions met with Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner at Number 10.Now is the time for Labour to start delivering the New Deal for Working People.Strengthening workers’ rights will improve the lives of millions.#oneteam#solidarity #Respect#thankgoodnessforunison ... See MoreSee Less
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Members are receiving ballot papers for the campaign funds. Every 10 years we are required by law to ballot members to see if they want their union to continue maintaining funds which allow us to campaign on their behalf. Please make sure you return your papers even if you have not opted in to paying in to the funds.A yes vote will ensure UNISON can be a loud voice for our members. ... See MoreSee Less
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All subscribing members of Unison should have received the below ballot form. The ballot is explained in the correspondence, however if you have any questions please comment or private message us and we will do our best to answer.Your ballot form must be received back by 5pm Friday 16th August. 🗳️ ... See MoreSee Less
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It is vitally important we have your up to date information. Any pay ballots will be sent to you using the details we hold ! If you are ‘not sure’ just email the branch and we can check that for you ! ... See MoreSee Less
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One of a trade union's main aims is to protect and advance the interests of its members in the workplace.#WeArePoliceStaff#RemindThePoliticiansWeExist#TeamUnison ... See MoreSee Less
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