Post Incident Update

Post Incident Procedures: Unison Advice for Police Staff

In situations when during or following contact with the police someone dies or suffers serious injury, then in all likelihood the ‘Post Incident Procedure’ (PIP) will be implemented.  The procedure is twofold, each as important as each other.  Firstly to facilitate the investigation into the circumstances, which is likely to be IOPC led, and secondly to provide the protection and welfare support for those involved.  Those groups of Police Staff that run a higher risk of being involved in the PIP process are Control Room staff, PCSOs, Forensic Investigators, Investigative Officers, Firearms Licencing Staff, Custody Officers, Intel staff – such as RTI and Enquiry Office Staff.

PIPs are run by trained and qualified Post Incident Managers (PIMs) who are of Inspector rank and above.  The PIMs are supported by other trained members of staff such as Unison, the Police Federation and Occupational Health.

What can Unison offer: – If you are involved in the process as a Unison Member you are entitled to legal assistance and Unison assistance.  Please speak to the Post Incident Manager to confirm your Unison representative has been contacted.  The PIP accredited Unison official’s details can be found on the on call rota on the force systems.

 Thompsons Solicitors, provided by Unison, have their own dedicated section to deal with Post Incident Procedures and the helpline number is 0808 164 9332. 

 The important thing to note is that recently there has been a change to the provision of legal advice during Post Incident Procedures.  Even if you are in a group, if you are not a member of Unison AND have not been a member for the previous four weeks you cannot receive legal advice.  Any such legal advice would be at your own expense. 

 UNISON PIP accredited representatives (or Unison stewards) cannot act for non-Unison members (which includes legal representation), neither will the Force or the Police Federation.  If you are not a member of Staffordshire Police Unison please consider joining at the earliest opportunity.

If you wish to discuss this further please contact the Branch Office