Colleagues, We have had a few non-members make enquiries about joining Unison as they have become involved in an issue and need support. As a general reminder the rules for qualifying for representation is known as the ‘4 week rule’.…
Unison Advice for shift workers re changes to shift patterns
We have had queries from members lately regarding a change in shifts which include rest day patterns and or changing shifts to unsocial hours. We wish to ensure you are aware of the rules of such changes as stated in…
UNISON Statement on the killing of George Floyd
UNISON POLICE & JUSTICE EXECUTIVE STATEMENT ON THE KILLING OF GEORGE FLOYD UNISON’s Police and Justice Executive join our voice with those condemning the killing by police of George Floyd in the USA. We call for those responsible to be…
Your Unison Branch – business as usual
Colleagues, Meetings with management:- Please be assured for your local Unison branch it is very much business as usual and we are here to support you 24/7. Should you need support/advice/meetings please contact Claire Bruus, Branch Coordinator, via email at…
Covid 19 – Unison Advice
Dear member, I hope this email finds you well even if this is an understandably anxious time we find ourselves in as we tackle Covid19 and its impact on our work and family lives. Over the last few days we…
PAY AWARD 2019 (6/12/19)
JOINT CIRCULAR NO.103 – PAY AWARD 2019 Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to confirm that the Police Staff Council has reached an agreement on a pay award for police staff for 2019 which is as follows: 2.5% increase on all…
Professional Standards/ACU Advice re associations (14/2/19)
Unison have discussed the potential issues and problems associated with giving out the private mobile phone numbers to victims or crime and other vulnerable people with Professional Standards. They have asked us to reiterate the following to our members :-…
Pay Deal (Boeing Update) 14/2/19
Boeing (who transferred on Police Staff T&Cs) Boeing Unison members will be balloted this week whether to accept or reject the pay deal.
Police Staff Pay – Accepted
PSC TU 01/19 7 January 2019 UNION MEMBERS VOTE TO ACCEPT 2018 PAY OFFER Members of UNISON, UNITE and GMB have voted overwhelmingly to accept the Employers’ 2018 pay offer for police staff in England and Wales. Union members in…
Meeting / Chat with Line Management
What to do when a chat with your Line Manager turns into a meeting (update 02/11/18) As a union we fully encourage Line Managers to chat with their staff as they are usually best placed to notice changes in their staff’s…