Covid 19 – Unison Advice

Dear member,

 I hope this email finds you well even if this is an understandably anxious time we find ourselves in as we tackle Covid19 and its impact on our work and family lives.

 Over the last few days we have received increasing amounts of questions coming into the branch office around the latest advice being given from the Government, from the employer and from line managers. I want to reassure you that Unison are working with the Force and are representing your interests at the Gold and Silver Command meetings. These meetings are taking place daily as you would expect and I am asking for clarity wherever possible.

 The number of calls we are receiving into the office is becoming unmanageable and preventing us from being able to deal with both the enquiries and the increased workloads. We would ask that should you need advice, that you look at the latest updates on the intranet homepage, the email updates as well as discussing your concerns with your line managers in the first instance.

 We are asking on your behalf for clear guidance, risk assessments, PPE as appropriate and a recognition that this is not business as usual but unprecedented circumstances. During this time you will not only need the support of your colleagues and employer but will be asked to give your support to help keep the service we provide running over the coming months. This may mean requests to work overtime, change shifts, work rest days or even to help out to cover roles in other areas of the force where there may be a critical need. Unison will ask that we all pull together and do what we can to help each other and our communities.

If you have specific concerns please first raise them with your line manager in the first instance. Your Unison workplace representatives can also give help. If your issues are more complex or remain unresolved then you can get in touch via the Branch Coordinator on 07753 229775 or email us at Please bear with us at this time whilst we work our way through the next few weeks.

 Latest guidance can be found on the intranet.