Representation Rules for New Members


We have had a few non-members make enquiries about joining Unison as they have become involved in an issue and need support.

As a general reminder the rules for qualifying for representation is known as the ‘4 week rule’.


A member is entitled to receive free legal/representation assistance providing s/he has been in membership of Unison for at least four weeks prior to the incident or occurrence that leads to her/him seeking legal and/or general representational assistance from the branch.

For the purpose of administering this rule membership starts from the date upon which the member’s completed application form is received by the branch.

UNISON will not provide support in respect of issues that occurred within the first four weeks of membership or which pre-date the member joining.

As a branch we are bound by the above rules that set when people will be entitled to receive representation and/or legal support .  The reason for this is that it prevents staff from joining the union when there is an issue and being able to draw on the resources of the Branch that other members have been paying for, for some years in many cases. It would be unfair of a branch to represent people if they have not been a paying member until such time as an issue occurred and then they decide to join.

If you have any queries please email

Kind regards

Claire Bruus, Branch Coordinator, Staffs Police Unison