Questionnaire regarding Domestic Abuse in Same Sex Relationships (Action by 11/8/23)


We are sharing this questionnaire with all our members. This would be important if you, or someone you know, has suffered domestic abuse in a same sex relationship we would be grateful to have your, or their, observations. Feel free to forward this email.

Whoever completes the questionnaire any information given is completely anonymous.

The reason this questionnaire has been done is because the results will support others in the future. The results will form part of a benchmarking process as an evidence based approach in reviewing current risk assessment questions and whether same sex relationships have the same or different triggers when measuring risk. Specifically in reference to the question regarding pregnancy/new child. It will also evaluate the types of abuse and whether this differs/remains the same as heteronormative relationships. It also evaluates the support available and whether that differs/remains the same for same sex couples.

To take part google Slido and enter #Katie where it says “Join as participant – Enter code here”. The questionnaire doesn’t take long and is completely anonymous. Please read the answers carefully as there are multiple options that are similarly worded.

This questionnaire will remain open until the 11th August 2023. Thank you for your participation.