Police Staff Pay Consultative Ballot (14/4/2022)

To: Police Staff Branches/ Police Staff Committee England & Wales/ UNISON Regional Police Staff contacts.

Please circulate to members on PSC Terms and conditions.  

Members with a current email address on the UNISON Membership system should have received an email inviting them to vote in the Police Staff Pay Consultative Ballot.

The easiest way for members to vote is via the “vote now” box contained in that email. If you have not received an email inviting you to vote please check your “junk” folder to see if it’s there. You will not need your membership number or NI number to vote by this method.

If for whatever reason you have not received an email inviting you to vote you can vote via our dedicated webpage .


This also contains further information about the pay offer.

There is a link in the section headed “How Do I Vote “ that will take you to a voting page. You will need your Membership number or NI number to vote by this method.

Your Branch or UNISON Direct (0800 0 857 857)  can advise you of your membership number and your NI number will be on your pay slip.



Your vote is really important, please use it.

Best Wishes, Local Government Police & Justice Section