You are eligible to join Staffordshire Police UNISON retired members section if you’ve been a UNISON member for at least two years on the day you retire and do not take on any paid employment.
Staffordshire Police UNISON has its own dedicated section and is looked after by the Branch Office. Please email for any advice or support.
UNISON retired members enjoy all the benefits of UNISON membership including:
- Legal advice
- Welfare support
- Special discounts and offers on a wide range of financial and other services, also the special discounts via your local Branch.
Nationally UNISON works to raise awareness of issues which concern older people and to influence decision makers. Our priorities include: Pensioner poverty, Health care and age discrimination
Isolation and mobility issues
UNISON believes that our union should reflect the society we live and work in. There are more than 10 million elderly people in the UK. Retired and working members have a shared interest in obtaining decent incomes in older age, a universal health service and the creation of a civilised society.
Today’s workers are tomorrow’s pensioners and UNISON’s members work in public services on which many older people rely.
Please feel free to visit the national UNISON web site for news on current issues.
Download an application form to join our retired members section.