Do you want to get involved?

Click here to download the Union Branch Rules

A Branch is made up of all its members. Some are elected by their workforce to undertake different Branch roles:-
Chair, Secretary, Asst. Secretary, Welfare Officer, Education Officer, Health & Safety Officer, Equalities and Diversity Officer, Treasurer, Young Members Officer. We also have self organised groups for disabled members and LGBT. Both of these groups have a representative that sit on our committee. ALL these roles are elected at the yearly AGM which is held at Staffordshire Police Headquarters in February.

A UNISON Steward is an elected Representative who helps organise, recruit and represent members in their work place.

As a UNISON Steward you can:

  • Talk to, recruit and organise members around workplace issues.
  • Talk to members about workplace problems, advise them and keep them informed of latest developments.
  • Represent members in your workplace.
  • Be involved in how your Branch and Union is run.

UNISON members believe Health & Safety is one of the most important issues at work. Health & Safety can be a matter of life and death. Tackling health & safety is also a very good way of organising in the workplace.