I am writing in relation to the recent briefing to all Staff from the Chief Constable in relation to the financial position we are in as a Force. As highlighted by the Chief we have to find £9m of savings…
UNISON ‘Call It Out’ Campaign
UNISON ‘Call It Out’ Campaign Our Police Committee has developed a campaign flyer to draw members’ attention to the support and assistance which branches can provide to members who witness or who are experiencing sexual harassment, or other forms…
Branch Secretary – Rob Birch explaining his NEC Seat and what this means to members
Did you know that your Branch Secretary, Rob Birch, is also a member and elected to the National Executive Committee of UNISON sitting in the West Midlands General Seat. In that role he represents all members of UNISON in the…
UNISON POLICE STAFF NEWS 1/2024 29 August 2024 UNISON LAUNCHES ITS POLICE STAFF PAY AND MORALE SURVEY We have launched our UNISON Police Staff Pay and Morale survey and urge members to take part in the survey. We will use…
POLICE STAFF PAY TALKS TO TAKE PLACE IN SEPTEMBER Negotiations over this year’s pay award for police staff in England and Wales are unlikely to take place until September. The reason for this lies in the expected timing of the…
Hot / Cold Drinking Tumblers – free to subscribing members of Staffordshire Police Unison
As part of the We Are Police Staff Campaign 💙 we are having these made for all members. Further details will be sent out to all members but we are looking at delivery starting in July. These double walled stainless…
Pre-election period (previously known as purdah) will begin on 18 March 2024
Colleagues The elections for local councils and a new Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire are scheduled to take place on 2 May and the pre-election period, previously known as purdah, will begin on 18 March 2024. We wanted…
We Are Police Staff Campaign
‘Our police staff members do a vital job to keep communities safe by solving crime and bringing offenders to justice.’ We Are Police Staff – new film launches | Article | News | UNISON National
Update 15/08/23 Pay Deal on offer
Members, Please see below information regarding the pay deal on offer which Unison are balloting their members about. Members should have received an email to the address which is registered with ‘My Unison’ on the 2023 pay offer for police…
Questionnaire regarding Domestic Abuse in Same Sex Relationships (Action by 11/8/23)
Members, We are sharing this questionnaire with all our members. This would be important if you, or someone you know, has suffered domestic abuse in a same sex relationship we would be grateful to have your, or their, observations. Feel…