PSC TRADE UNION SIDE PAY BULLETIN #5                5 August 2022


Following the pay award of £1900 to police officers from 1 September, pay talks resumed this week for police staff in England and Wales.

The Police Staff Council is where your pay is negotiated. On 2 August the three trade unions met with the Employers to re-open talks. Our task is to agree how the pay deal agreed for police staff earlier this year will be increased to ensure that staff do not suffer any detriment to their police officer colleagues.

 Members are reminded that the pay award re-opener clause which was part of the recent pay deal for staff is as follows:

‘…in the event that a PRRB annual award is agreed from 1 September 2022 in excess of a 3% award, as part of a single year settlement, the Employers’ Side is prepared to re-open pay negotiations on the 17- month police staff pay award to ensure that police staff do not suffer any detriment to their police officer colleagues.’

The three unions are determined to deliver on the requirements of the re-opener clause and to ensure that our members are treated fairly and get the same pay rise as police officers.

Each union’s police committee will be meeting shortly to finalise our approach to the talks. More information will be made available as soon as possible.